Talent Solutions

How to Create Job Ads That Will Attract Candidates


The job market is competitive as ever and finding cream-of-the-crop talent is hard to come by. We live in a world where technology rules, and job ads are the first thing people usually look at before deciding if they want to apply for the job — what does that mean for companies? It means that companies need to put more effort and emphasis in job ads to attract potential candidates.

So, how do you improve your job ad?


High-quality talent is only attracted to high-quality job ads. You don’t want an ad that looks like the competition’s, you need something that separates your company from the pack. If you put out an average job ad, odds are you will only attract average candidates. First and foremost, make sure grammar and syntax is on point.

Secondly, the language in a job ad reveals a lot about the person you’re intending to hire and your company. For example, the way you write sends a message to the candidate. Saying “You're passionate about making that big sale” sounds more personable than “The candidate is qualified in the sales process.” The verbiage you use can make or break your odds of hiring a quality applicant.

Just keep in mind that you’re trying to sell yourself to the candidate. You must show them why your company is different from others through a simple job ad. While it’s important to state the general job description, most of the ad should be focused on your organization’s core values, mission and benefits of working with you.

David Jones, an associate professor of business at the University of Vermont, found jobs ads that focus on what employers can provide job applicants — work autonomy, inclusion in decisions and advancement in your career — result in better employee to company pairings. And these specific ads produce a larger number of more qualified applicants.


One of the most important aspects of a job ad is the visual. A company called Software Advice conducted a study, which found that 51% of respondents claim they would find a job ad with images more appealing than ads without. In addition, 30% of respondents say they would be most attracted to a company’s products and services, while 22% reported that seeing your employees in the image would make your job ad more appealing.

When it comes to creating job ads, candidates are interested in flawless designs that draw them in and sites that are easy to navigate. What does that mean exactly? To design a flawless job ad, you want it to be easy to read and navigate. Try to keep it as de-cluttered as possible, you want your intentions for the ad to be clear and concise. Grab the reader's attention early with a photo of your company or a headline that will make them want to read through and apply for the role.  


Salary is one of the most important factors candidates care about while looking for jobs. For some, it isn’t their top priority, but it’s always nice to have an idea of what the salary will be. According to Payscale, job ads that include the salary attract up to 30% more applicants than ads that don’t. Including the salary on a job ad will also allow people to know exactly what they are applying for and weed out the candidates who think it won’t be a good fit.

In addition, one of the main reasons employers should list the salary in your job ad is to persuade candidates to change jobs. Business News Daily found that for over 70% of people who quit their jobs, salary is their primary reason for seeking a new workplace.


There are multiple networking apps out there and that’s for good reason. When looking for a job, most people go to either LinkedIn or Indeed to find the job they’re looking for. However, some companies don’t use these apps and only publish job openings on their websites. By posting job ads on multiple apps, it’ll increase your chances that you get more applicants and possibly find the employee you are looking for.

If your company is casting a wide net to look for your next great hire, try to blast your job openings anywhere you can by signing up for these apps. Whether that be Glassdoor, Indeed, Facebook Jobs, the more you put your name out there, the more people will see it — the more options you’re going to get.

Although job ads don’t seem very important in the grand scheme of the workplace, they make a world of difference when done correctly. It’s key that a company takes the time to create an ad that could potentially bring in a great hire.

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