Press Releases



TSP (Technology Service Professionals), a leading provider of information technology services to Fortune 500 companies, announces three new contracts in its shared solutions business unit. The contracts, which began this week, place more TSP employees onsite for TSP’s client, NetApp.

TSP’s shared solutions business unit partners with clients using best practices, creating custom solutions for clients that allow them to focus on their core business objectives. Steve Carey and Chris Torbert, #TSProckstars and account executives, brought the new deals to fruition.

TSP has been working with NetApp on their initiative to bring a managed services program to the US (it has been done in Asia Pacific previously). NetApp hand-selected a TSP employee to fulfill the first managed services opportunity. That employee recommended another TSP employee with whom he completed TSP Boot Camp four years earlier. After interviewing the referred candidate, the customer agreed that he was a fit, and put him in the second position, leading to a new contract.

“It’s tremendous that NetApp kicked-off their managed services in the US with two of our employees. Having gone through TSP Boot Camp myself, it’s always great to hear when TSP trainees stay in touch and look out for one another – it certainly falls in line with our company culture,” said Torbert.

In the second deal, TSP competed with other companies to place an employee at the customer site. “We faced the challenge of selling a talented individual on the TSP team. Ultimately, he sensed the access to leadership and emphasis on long-term career development that TSP offers its employees and went with us, securing the deal,” said Carey. “TSP is a family-oriented, supportive company where individuals can grow. If, and when, an original contract expires, we almost always find new roles for talented individuals so they can stay with TSP. Even with referrals from our customers, we always interview all candidates to make sure they are a fit for the culture of both the customer and TSP.”

Rounding out TSP’s three new contracts, 1,000 NetApp systems in the Boston, Massachusetts area will now be under a new TSP contract. TSP will start this new location by relocating an existing TSP employee from Dallas, Texas and hiring a new resource in the Boston area to round out the support team. “This deal marks our continued impressive geographical growth – NFL cities are a great place for us to be,” said Torbert.

“One of our recent TSP Boot Camp graduates will serve as the lead engineer at this site – it’s a testament to the success of our training program. In just a few months, we can hire a new employee, teach him a valuable skillset, and give him an opportunity to lead a new support contract for TSP. I couldn’t be more proud of my team,“ said Russ Qualls, director of operations, shared solutions, TSP.

About TSP
TSP is award-winning, customer-endorsed, and minority-owned. We provide custom, flexible, and flawlessly executed IT services and talent solutions throughout the United States and Canada. We create great customer experiences by saving you time and money. We’re driven by integrity — we do what we say we will do — exceeding expectations. Our value-based pricing focuses on your business objectives, making your success our top priority. We don’t manufacture devices or sell software — our product is our people. To learn more, visit
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