Talent Solutions

Six Ways a Recruitment Agency Can Help Your Business


One of the most effective ways to hire new talent is through recruitment agencies. Now more than ever, with the job market constantly changing due to the pandemic, recruitment agencies are a dependable way to ensure your business hires quality employees.

But why should you use a recruitment agency? Hiring platforms are good ways to find a large range of potential candidates, but to hire the best talent you’ll want to use a recruiter. Agencies take the additional pressure off your plate and make sure to find the perfect fit for your organization without you having to lift a finger.

Here are six ways a recruitment agency can help your business:

Hiring new employees can be a very stressful and lengthy process. However, if your business uses a recruitment agency, it will shorten the process and take more of that work off your plate. Remember, these agencies are focused on one thing: finding the perfect candidate for your organization. If your business recruits in-house, it might slow down the workflow for other activities.

Agencies have access to a wide range of qualified jobseekers. Some job seekers don’t have time to constantly search on job boards or other job hiring apps. Instead, they reach out to a recruiter they trust to find a job that best suits them. Talented recruiters can spot the jobseekers’ technical ability and align businesses with candidates that fit the organization's core values. One in every three jobseekers will change jobs within their first year. Hiring an agency can help your chances of finding an employee that’s dedicated to staying at the company long-term.

One of the most important and often overlooked aspects of recruitment agencies is that these companies have knowledge in the specific industry your business is looking to hire. Recruiters are often knowledgeable of salaries that fit the criteria and role they’re hiring for, local market trends in that specific field, and if a candidate is qualified for the role.  

Most work a recruiter does happens before any compensation comes from the client. Meaning, if no candidate is hired, then the recruiter will not be compensated for the work completed. This way of work ensures recruiters are focusing on providing the client with the best potential hires for open roles and who are genuinely interested in being hired.

When using a recruitment agency to find your next hire, they tend to have an endless list of potential candidates. Unlike finding someone because they applied on LinkedIn, recruiters can go out and find people through their own database and research. They’re efficient in already having a list of people to choose from, as well as easily finding a perfect fit for the role.

If your demand outweighs your supply of internal recruiters, then hiring an agency is your next best move. According to Forbes, HR often has a certain bandwidth of positions they can handle on a daily basis, so when the business starts to grow and companies need to hire, the demand often outweighs the number of positions they can process in a timely manner. As a result, the entire hiring process can become bogged down.

Reaching out to a recruiting agency for assistance in the hiring process helps HR teams meet the businesses needs without having to hire new internal resources without compromising their process. Agencies act as an escape valve and provide additional recruiting tools to the current organization, which results in shorter hiring cycles. 

Recruiting agencies are tools that many companies use to make the team better and stronger. If your company is struggling to hire multiple people at a time, don’t hesitate to reach out to professionals that have the time and knowledge to deliver great hires to your company. Agencies are there for a reason — helping businesses run more efficiently and smoothly without ever missing a beat.

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