Job Seeker Tips

The Best Time to Look for a Job

The Best Time to Look for a Job

Are you starting to get the “itch” to move away from your current position? You’re not alone. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that roughly 3.5 million Americans quit their jobs every month. But, before you make the leap in quitting your job, it’s critical to have a plan in place for your next job.

Applying for jobs at certain times of the year can increase your chances of getting hired. Read more below to find the right time of the year to look for a job — happy job searching!


The beginning of the year is the best time to look for a job in most industries, because when employees return from vacation, hiring picks up rapidly and more interviews are conducted. As all employees have likely had an extended vacation, more decision makers are in the office, which means a faster “yes” for you!

On the flip side, because January and February is a hectic time of year, it’s key to follow up after your interview. A simple email with an article that related to your interview or an update on your current work could mean the difference in getting the job or not in these months.

Also, many companies receive their new budgets at the beginning of the year, which in turn makes room for new hires — like you. Consequently, this budgeting norm is what makes November and December a bad time to look for a job. At this time, companies are reviewing their spending from the past year and planning for the next and are likely not ready to make any hiring decisions.


After the beginning of the year hiring surge, hiring tends to drop off in March and gain momentum again in the late spring. As summer approaches, companies feel more pressure to fill positions because many employees will take vacations. So, what could’ve been a 2-month hiring process could shrink to one month because employees have vacations planned the next month. However, this rushed process is no reason to let yourself slack. You still need to do the adequate research and preparation for interviews.


Because of the number of vacations employees take over the summer, getting hired in July and August can be difficult. That being said, employees usually return to the office with limited vacations in September and October. Because summer was slow, hiring managers feel the need to pick up the pace in the fall. This is great news for you — it means more interviews and less waiting. 


Looking for a job is time consuming, and can be both mentally and emotionally draining. Before you choose to apply for jobs based on the aforementioned “best times,” it’s important to ask yourself, “is this the right time for me?” Hiring surges come and go, but your personal and professional life is forever. Be sure that you are on solid ground both personally and professionally before you begin the job search.

For example, you wouldn’t want to look for a job during your current job’s busy period, or before your sister’s wedding. Looking at your personal and professional calendars will give you a more accurate depiction of the best time to look for a job for you.

Use this information as your guide, not as a hindrance. With the right resume and experience, anytime is a good time to apply to a job.

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