Press Releases



TSP (Technology Service Professionals), a leading provider of information technology services to Fortune 500 companies, recently reached the 600 employee mark for the first time, an impressive milestone in the company’s 12-year history.

TSP started with four employees in 2003, including Co-Founders Rick Skaggs and Frank Gonzalez, Director of Sales Omar Gonzalez and Senior Field Service Manager, Tinh Nguyen. “We have grown immensely since we started this business just 12 years ago. To be in more than 35 states plus Canada with 600 employees is a turning point in our company history. I want to take the opportunity to thank our valued employees and customers – without them, we wouldn’t be where we are today,” said Rick Skaggs.

As TSP grows in employee count, geographic areas, and revenue, its talent branding strategy has become increasingly important to its overall business growth strategy.

In the past year TSP has emphasized its talent branding initiatives, implementing a comprehensive LinkedIn recruiting strategy led by Chris Skaggs, director of strategic initiatives at TSP. Chris has written about TSP’s talent brand journey on LinkedIn – Part 1 can be viewed here and Part 2 here.

Significant talent brand improvement-related statistics include:

  • 363% increase in monthly webpage sessions
  • 382% increase in NEW monthly webpage sessions
  • 618% increase in total social media followers
  • 2,603% increase in talent brand engagement
  • 1,125% increase in talent brand index

“Our talent brand approach has without a doubt increased our visibility in the tech space, helping us recruit top talent in information technology, an industry where talent is a commodity. People are our product, so as we continue to grow, our talent brand will be key to our overall success,” said Frank Gonzalez.

About TSP
TSP is award-winning, customer-endorsed, and minority-owned. We provide custom, flexible, and flawlessly executed IT services and talent solutions throughout the United States and Canada. We create great customer experiences by saving you time and money. We’re driven by integrity — we do what we say we will do — exceeding expectations. Our value-based pricing focuses on your business objectives, making your success our top priority. We don’t manufacture devices or sell software — our product is our people. To learn more, visit
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