Career Insights

5 Tips to Ditch Indecisiveness


How often have you been faced with a choice that seemed impossible to make? Big or small, professional or personal, decisions are something you make every day – even those decisions we don’t realize we are making. Think about it: today you’ve probably made hundreds of choices, including what time to wake up, what to wear, what route to take to work and who you want to catch up with first in the office.

Unfortunately, some choices are more difficult to make than others. Decision making is a skill that should be continuously developed. If you seem to be perpetually indecisive (we all know somebody like this), take into consideration the following tips for ditching indecisiveness.

The key component of decision making is knowing your choices. Start by writing down your options – all of them. The list may be long in some instances, but for those who are indecisive this can help create a better picture of all the possible routes. Look at each choice and consider the pros and cons of each option. This will help you see every instance of a scenario and can remove some of the fear that comes with uncertainty. As you do so, start eliminating various options to narrow it down to three choices at the most.

Not only should you have all available information on the decision to be made, but you should also do your research on those three options you’ve given yourself. Sometimes gathering data is as simple as a Google Search and in other situations you may need to have conversations with those who have faced a similar choice. For those who struggle with indecision, this should ease uncertainty in the long run.

For those who are indecisive, it is important to have an objective sounding board. This sounding board should be someone who understands what decisions you are struggling with and is willing to be there to bounce your ideas off. However, this person should not be making the choice for you. Instead, they should encourage you to make the choice you want to make and in a timely fashion. 

Decisions are made through either intuition or reasoning – or a combination of the two. The issue with indecision is that you're doubting yourself and your ability to make the right choice. Once you make your decision, be content and don’t head down the path of “what if”. In the end, the most important thing is trusting your head (or your gut).

Practice makes perfect – well, close to it at least. As we said before, decision making is a skill, which means it can be developed and improved. In time, the pressure of decisions should lessen and, in return, your confidence should grow. If all else fails, take Anna Wintor’s advice, “What people hate the most is indecision. Even if I’m completely unsure, I’ll pretend I know exactly what I’m talking about and make a decision.”

Even those who have struggled with indecision their whole lives can become master decision makers. Not only will working on your indecisiveness help you make smarter choices quicker, but it will also help build confidence and initiative. As you navigate your professional life, this can make the difference in progressing in your career or standing still.

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