Business Insights

How to Engage Employees with Your Company Vision

How to Engage Employees with Your Company Vision

Whether you’re the CEO of a 50-year-old business or an entrepreneur just starting out, creating a well-crafted vision statement can be a daunting task. A company vision statement reveals what an organization hopes to be and achieve in the long run. In simple terms, it harnesses the company’s purpose in one impactful statement. In addition to serving as a roadmap for the company, it provides a concrete way for employees to understand the meaning and purpose of your business.

Research shows that employees who find their company’s vision to be relatable and meaningful have engagement levels of 68%. The more engaged employees are, the more productive and effective they become. Here are some tips on how to keep employees engaged with your company vision.


When evaluating your vision statement, ask yourself, “Is this inspiring to the employees?” If your answer is no, it’s time to get a new one. It’s not hard to tell what makes a good vision statement. Employees should feel motivated and inspired by a company’s vision, and it should give them a clear picture of how what they are doing is making an impact.

Vision statements tell a story of the benefit the organization creates, the effect products and services have on others and the kind of organization that is required to create that value. It’s a form of internal communication that helps align and inspire your team to reach the company's goal.


A vision can only go so far if your team members aren’t on the same page. If a company doesn’t align itself with its mission, some employees will work toward one thing while other employees are working toward another. A misaligned team can cause your company to lose capital and motivation. To get a gauge on your team’s interest, ask them what they think about the vision. Include questions like “Do you know what the company’s vision is?” Or, “What makes you get up for work each day?” If you find your employees’ answers are inconsistent or inaccurate, you may need to re-evaluate your vision. Passion is key!


The more channels of communication you use, the better chance of your organization understanding the vision. You can rally employees around your vision through a motivational email, posting it on Linkedin, Instagram and other social media outlets — add it to your email signatures. In addition to using the newest communication technologies, don’t forget the tangibles: coffee mugs, t-shirts, pens and whatever else you can think of to keep the message in circulation. As the leader of your company, you’re the biggest advocate for the mission. If time allows, consider having one-on-one conversations with your employees to convey the importance the vision has on their daily work and overall success.


It’s easy to talk the talk but do your employees walk the walk? After debuting your new vision statement, find employees that are living out the vision and give them a shout-out. If you have any positive feedback from vendors, shareholders, key leadership be sure to share those comments with the company. This will make employees feel like the process is working at that the vision is really coming to life.

The company vision is the backbone of any successful business. It’s important to get your team members on board and on the same page in order for them to be engaged in your company’s goals. Following these easy tips will take your vision to the next level and allow your employees to live it out on a day-to-day basis.

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