Press Releases



The United States Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency issued guidance about a vulnerability in Apache’s Log4j software on Monday, December 13, 2021. Subsequently, a second vulnerability was announced due to an incomplete patch. Apache Log4j is java software widely used by many companies for logging purposes. It is often included or bundled with third-party software packages.

TSP has done an internal audit of our internal and external systems and can confirm they are unaffected by the recently discovered vulnerability.

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TSP is award-winning, customer-endorsed, and minority-owned. We provide custom, flexible, and flawlessly executed IT services and talent solutions throughout the United States and Canada. We create great customer experiences by saving you time and money. We’re driven by integrity — we do what we say we will do — exceeding expectations. Our value-based pricing focuses on your business objectives, making your success our top priority. We don’t manufacture devices or sell software — our product is our people. To learn more, visit
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