Business Insights

Workplace Myths Busted

Workplace Myths Busted

With four generations of employees, new technology and communication all making their place in the everyday office scene, many people can assume they have it all figured out. However, your assumptions may be keeping you from connecting with your fellow employees.

Employees and employers have misunderstandings about their workplace frequently. In fact, a study by Wrike showed that 30% of projects fail because of poor communication. Here are a couple of our favorite workplace myths debunked, which may just help you overcome misunderstandings with your coworkers.


Not so fast — this is a common misconception by many Baby Boomers and Generation X co-workers. Making up over 32% of America’s workplaces, millennials are often made out to be very tech-savvy and unaware of how to communicate with paper and pen. Sure, they're more aware and up-to-date on the latest technology, but that doesn’t mean they don’t love a good face-to-face meeting.

According to this Forbes article, millennials prefer email over texting and talking on the phone. Although the modern workplace has changed over the past 20 years, the younger generations are still aware of the professional way to handle communication in the workplace.


Although getting an extra chunk of change in your pocket isn’t a bad employee benefit to have, most employees in the modern workplace have shifted their preferences to other more tangible wants. In fact, a study conducted by Glassdoor shows that 89% of employees between the ages of 18 and 34 prefer benefits and perks over a pay raise. The highest of these perks include medical insurance, paid time off and performance bonuses.

Salaries don’t always move the needle, but the little things that affect an employee’s everyday work life do. If employees are a company’s most valuable asset, employers might need to start catering to their workers wants and needs.


Ever heard the phrase “work smarter not harder”? The same applies to workplace fun. Just because you're spending 40+ hours in the office, doesn’t mean you can’t jazz it up a bit. Happy employees are actually 12% more productive if they take breaks and have fun at work.

This doesn’t take away from the hard work and dedication that goes into projects, but including a fun company culture is sure to keep your employees happy and get their creative juices flowing. Incorporating games, happy hours and music are simple and easy ways to increase happiness in the office. 

Myths are myths for a reason — don’t believe everything you hear. If you feel there needs to be a change in the office, talk to the right person about what can be changed. Approach new generations entering the office and ask how you can help their transition to ensure an open line of communication. Debunking these myths can lead to a happier, healthier work life balance.

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