Business Insights

How to Bring Your Motto into the Everyday Workplace

How to Bring Your Motto into the Everyday Workplace

Lots of businesses have slogans or mission statements that sound great, but a catchy motto doesn’t necessarily apply to the way a business operates in the real world. How do company owners and managers translate an ideal statement for their company’s culture and mission into a working ideology that applies to the everyday?

TSP’s motto recently changed from “Tailored solutions that fit your business” to “People. Technology. Solutions.”

We specialize in maintenance, managed, consulting and project services, and we’re not the only player on the market. However, we work with plenty of Fortune 500 companies today, because from day one we distinguished ourselves with an approach that has never been one-size-fits-all. We’ve created tailored solutions from the beginning—but that’s not what makes us so unique. Our new motto better represents who are at the core and what makes our business run at its best every single day.

As a certified minority-owned business, we believe in the unique traits that make us diverse because those characteristics make us strong. We didn’t conform to create our business; we built something using what made us special, and now we put together special solutions for clients using our knowledge and resources, our custom services, and of course, our very talented people.

Our new motto applies to our everyday work ethic because we empower every employee to be his or her best. We emphasize integrity, which means not only demonstrating ethical behavior at the senior level but giving every person in our business a voice and the freedom to keep promises and do what’s right for the client, for themselves and for TSP. Having a voice and knowing you’ll be backed when you make good choices allows us to communicate well with one another, which extends to open, trustworthy communication with customers. Our communication styles aren’t just diplomatic, they’re constructive and productive.

Our custom solutions aren’t possible without respect for everyone—fellow employees, clients, and everyone we interact with on the job. Being a trusted partner means honoring the worth and dignity of all people, not just a handful of them. This attitude of courtesy and fairness makes our company a pleasant place to work, fostering a strong team that’s earnestly dedicated to doing their best.

Attitude, ethics, communication, and respect combine to give us a cohesive culture that builds teamwork. Each of these elements enables us to bring the elements of our motto to life every day.

How do you make your motto apply to daily business?

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