5 IT Procurement Best Practices

TSP • @myTSPnet

One of the most important decisions companies make is where, how, and from whom to source their IT needs. From the strategic acquisition of tech to securing...


What is OEM and ODM?

TSP • @myTSPnet

OEM (original equipment manufacturer) and ODM (original design manufacturer) are two different models of products and services that when utilized can have...


What Does it Mean to Be a Professional?

TSP • @myTSPnet

The importance of professionalism is well-known, but what does it mean to be a professional in this day and age? How can you put your best foot forward? What...


IT Cost Optimization: Definition and Key Strategies

TSP • @myTSPnet

IT costs are a significant concern for organizations of all sizes. The ever-increasing expenses associated with hardware, software, infrastructure and...


How to Recruit IT Professionals

TSP • @myTSPnet

The demand for skilled IT professionals continues to outpace the talent supply, making recruitment a priority for tech-driven businesses. Unfortunately, the...


The 14 Most Important Things to Look for When Hiring Someone

TSP • @myTSPnet

Companies position themselves for success by finding the right people to fill vital roles. Your IT department is critical because it powers so many of your...


How Do Hiring Agencies Work? What Sets TSP Apart

TSP • @myTSPnet

Job hunting is a challenging process. It often evokes feelings of frustration, hours applying to jobs, and long periods of unemployment, especially in...


What Is Dysfunctional Employee Turnover?

TSP • @myTSPnet

In 2023, approximately 3.5 million Americans quit their jobs every month. A recent Gallup poll revealed that nearly 50% of employees in the U.S. are looking...


What is Reverse Recruiting?

TSP • @myTSPnet

Only 30% of the global workforce are active job seekers — the other 70% includes passive talent who aren't actively searching for employment but may jump at...


Cover Letter vs. Resume: How the Right Information Can Improve the Job Search Process

TSP • @myTSPnet

As a business owner, you know you're only as successful as the people who comprise your workforce. Hiring and retaining the best employees for each position...


What Is a Personality Hire?

TSP • @myTSPnet

Workplace hiring trends are continually changing. Gen Z is becoming known for their desire for being personality hires. While hiring for personality alone...


The Top 13 Benefits of Outsourcing IT Infrastructure Management

TSP • @myTSPnet

In the contemporary business landscape, businesses grapple with the ever-present task of maintaining technological competitiveness. Handling the intricacies...
